Maritana Systems










Step 1 : Disable VNC


Step 2 : Update Software

PDF     video     Update

Step 3 : Re-program Firmware

A ) Connect Cable to PRM :     video     foto : PRM   foto : iso-link

B ) Re-program PRM :     video

C ) Update Modem :     video

Step 4 : Put Phone in Service

A ) Site Specific Info : For now use local configuration for this.     video

Reg200 = Phone ID (set this to 1, 2, or 3)
Reg201 = Payphone Number
Reg203 = Modem Callhome Number

B ) Set Phones Clock : This can also be done manually in local config but its easier to call it from PNM.     video

Step 5 : System Overview

SQLite Database Browser : Use for administrative access to database.

- Add new phones and sites.
- Edit existing phones and sites.
- Purge old call records.

Browser Database Access : For normal operations.     image

From the linux machine the URL is "localhost".
From your windows machines the URL is the linux machines network name.
(This is something basic to get started. There are many possibilities)

Modem Utility : This is a temporary PNM modem server.

- Connected to database.
- Receives incoming callhomes and feeds database.
- Individual polling only. New PNM server will have poll lists.

Step 6 : Test Run

- Do step 4 and put the phone in service.
- Make a few calls.
- Try the to retrieve the data from the phone.